Thursday, February 13, 2020

Parts of The Horse

Being an owner or a rider of horses, it is good to know the different parts of a horse.  This is kind of an interesting post to be making because I feel like it is almost unnecessary for me to describe anything after showing a picture.  However, I will, because I want to help new equestrians learn in any way that I can!

Back-Located on the top of the horse; goes from the withers to the loin; where the rider sits 

Barrel-Located on the side (and middle) of the horse, this is where the ribcage is

Belly-This part is located underneath the horse, between the front and hind legs

Cannon-This is the longest bone on the horse's legs; inbetween the knee/hock and the fetlock(ankle)

Chest-Located at the front of the horse between the neck and infront of the shoulder

Chestnut-This is a little callous found on the upper inside of each leg

Chin Groove-Groove right behind the chin

Coronet-Located on the lower leg, right above the hoof and below the pastern

Crest-Top portion of the neck; where the mane grows

Croup-Located on the top of the horse; goes from the loin to the dock

Dock-The top/beginning of of the horse's tail

Elbow-On the backside of the upper forelegs

Ergot-Small callous located under the fetlock hairs

Fetlock-Found on the lower legs between the cannon and pastern; the ankle of the horse

Flank-Located directly infront of the sheath (male) or udder (female)

Forearm-The top portion of the leg

Forehead-The top of the face

Forelock-The hair found at the top of the head that goes inbetween the ears

Gaskin-Located on the top of the hindlegs below the hindquarters

Heel-Located on the back of the leg just above the hoof

Hindquarters-the large, muscled area at the top of the hindlegs; below the croup

Hock-This is where the knee is on the hind leg; the point that protrudes out on the middle back portion of the leg

Hoof-The hard portion at the end of each leg; where our feet would be on us

Knee-Where the foreleg bends

Loin-The portion on the top of the horse found between the back and the croup

Muzzle-The nose and nostrils; lower portion of the head

Neck-Attaches the head to the body; under the mane of the horse

Pastern-Found on the lower leg between the hoof and the fetlock (ankle)

Point of Hip-Bony prominence on the side of the horse slightly below and between the loin and croup
Point of Shoulder-Bony prominence found on the side of the horse in the front; the joint at the front of the chest

Poll-The bony prominence located directly between the horse's ears

Shoulder-Located at the front of the horse; goes from the withers to the point of shoulder

Stifle-the upper portion of the hind legs between the hindquarters and gaskin

Tail-Long hairs that grow on the hind end of the horse from the dock; also includes the tailbone

Throat Latch-Located where the head and neck meet; found on the underside 

Withers-Bony prominence found on the horse's back just before the technical "back" (where the rider sits) is; where horse height is measured from

Below I've listed some links to good online learning games to help with horse anatomy